Start the observationsΒΆ

$ : commands to insert in a shell

> : commands to insert in the operatorInput panel

logo:check on the monitor

  1. Insert your project number :

    > project=[projectID] logo Fig. 21,

  2. Initial setup :

    > antennaReset logo Fig.37

    > setupLLP logo Fig.19 logo Fig.30

  3. Select the receiver mode :

    > receiversMode=[code] where [code] can be XXC1, XXC2, XXC3, XXC4, XXC5, XXL1, XXL2, XXL3, XXL4, XXL5.

    • C is for Circular, L for Linear polarization ;
    • 1 : all band, 1300-1800 MHz (no filter) ;
    • 2 : 1320-1780 MHz ;
    • 3 : 1350-1450 MHz ;
    • 4 : 1300-1800 MHz (band-pass) ;
    • 5 : 1625-1715 MHz.
  4. Select the active surface shape (Parabolic for L-band observations) :

    > asSetup=P logo Fig.6

  5. Insert the Local Oscillator value in MHz :

    > setLO=[freq] logo Fig.19

  6. Select the Total Power backend :

    > chooseBackend=BACKENDS/TotalPower logo Fig.21

  7. Insert the bandwidth for the focus selector (always 2000 MHz in L-band) and choose the sample rate (in MHz) :

    > setSection=0,*,2000.000000,*,*,[sampleRate],* logo Fig.13

    > setSection=1,*,2000.000000,*,*,[sampleRate],* logo Fig.13

  8. Put the antenna at 45 deg of elevation and attenuate the signal in order to obtain values between 750 and 1100 counts (linear range of the backend) :

    > goTo=*,45d logo Fig.15

    > getTpi

    > setAttenuation=0,[att] with [att] between 0 and 15 dB logo Fig.13

    > setAttenuation=1,[att] with [att] between 0 and 15 dB logo Fig.13

    > getTpi

  9. Check the tsys (typical values 25-30 K)

    > tsys logo Fig.13

  10. Begin the schedule by indicating the start scan [N] or subscan [N_n] in the SCD file :

    > startSchedule=[schedulename].scd,[N] logo Fig.21