Important checks

Some checks need to be performed before starting the observations.


Before observing, check that the emergency stop button is not pressed.

On discos-manager (ACS)

Check that all of the 35 containers are active on ACS (Fig.2).


If the number of containers is 0 instead of 35 in ACS, you have to start ACS (see the Restart Discos procedure in the Discos from Scratch section).

On discos-console (observer computer)

On the CONSOLE virtual desktop, check the presence of the 9 panels (Fig.10):

Check also that:

  • the interface of the Meteo client is open to check the wind velocity in real time (it should be < 60 km/h) (Fig.9). If the interface is closed, type $ meteoClient & on a shell;
  • the quicklook is open. If it is closed, open it by clicking on the
quicklook.html icon on the desktop of discos-console;
  • the active surface is green (Fig.4).


The active surface does not work properly if a large fraction (a whole sector) becomes red. It is a problem in K-band observations (Fig.42);


If the calibrationtool client is already open or if you need to open it later during your observation to perform pointing and/or focus optimization, remember, do not close it during the whole session. To open it, type $ calibrationtoolclient MANAGEMENT/CalibrationTool & on a shell.

Upload your shedules (.scd, .lis, .bck and .cfg files) and check them:

From your computer:

$ scp [schedulename.*] [projectID]@discos-console:./schedules/

On discos-console:

$ ssh -X [projectID]@discos-console

$ cd /home/[projectID]/schedules

$ scheduleChecker [schedulename.scd]