End of the session

> : commands to insert in the operatorInput panel

logo: check on the monitor

Your observations are now finished, we can stop the schedule and park the antenna.

On discos-console

  1. Stop your schedule :

    > haltSchedule the schedule stops at the end of the on-going subscan.

    Important note: do not stop Xarcos schedule with stopSchedule.

  2. Park the minor servo, active surface and antenna

    > goTo=180d,89d logo Fig.15

    > servoPark logo Fig.26

    > asPark logo Fig.5

    > antennaPark logo Fig.16 logo Fig.36

Block the axes of the antenna

Look at the ACU monitor, wait until Axis blocked appears in red. It can take a few minutes after the command > antennaPark has been given (srt_ACU_axisblocked).

Only at this moment, you can press on the emergency stop button (Fig.38).